“You strike first, we will answer, and we, as the righteous, will go to heaven, while you… will just die” – V. Putin, about Ukraine
We are not equal. Our dead are in paradise; your dead are in hell.” – disciples of mohammad
[cf. Ibn Ishaq (1955) 380—388, cited in Peters (1994) p. 219]
“I will not raise a finger to save a Russian, who disrespectfully treated the quran” – V. Putin
Christianity, islam and communism are same agenda
Muslim & Jewish Destruction of Sweden, Denmark and Norway:
Full Proof that Feminism is a Hoax
Feminism IS islam:
Crown of Celibacy. The Religion of Betrayal
Feminism IS islam part 2:
the religion that promotes male weakness, dependence and loss
Christianity advocates microchips
Muslim immigration and the Jew World Order [microchipping humans] are pushed by the same people
Big Jew Theory: Pulsating Universe hoax’ connection to kaballah fully exposed
An Orgy of jews, garbage and feces:
Islam, Communism and Trash Mountains
Black cube of the jew age:
full exposure of “love” tactics of jew age, islam and christianity
All kike programs are united by the same atrocities