“Never laugh when someone farts. It is forbidden.” – Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 68 (islam)
Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: The Prophet said, ‘When you eat, do not wipe your hands till you have licked it, or had it licked by somebody else.” (Sahih Bukhari 7:65:366)
if you had seen us while we were with the apostle of allah (shit be be upon him) and the rain had fallen on us, you would have thought that our smell was the smell of the sheep. (Sunan Abu Dawud 32:4022)
Narrated Zaynab: She was picking lice from the head of the apostle of allah (Sunan Abu Dawud 19:3074)
Mohammad also advised to drink his own urine from his toilet and that of camels.
“Koran And Holy Bible Are The Same”
– Pope Francis
“Hath my master sent me to thy master, and to thee, to speak these words? hath he not sent me to the men which sit on the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you?” – Rabshakeh, 2 Kings 18: 27
“Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it.” (Malachi 2:3)
“…they shall not be gathered, nor be buried; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth.” (Jeremiah 8:2)
Matt. 15: 20
20 To eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.
Mark 7:8
8 For laying aside the commandment of God [my not look above what exactly commandment they violated – 2 Kings 18: 27], ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups…
“Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism.”
– Oswald Spengler
Communism [judeo-bolshevism aka economical marxism]:
“Not only did the Marx children have to endure the hunger of poverty, they were raised in filth, or what his friend described as “a pig-sty”.
There was not one good piece of furniture in the flat. There was a chair with a leg missing, a sofa “tattered and torn”.
The table where Marx sat on his backside to read and write was covered with pages of his writings, with newspapers and books, his glasses, his inkstand and pen, and his pipe, as well as dirty and chipped tea cups, dirty spoons, and whatever else someone dropped there, such as some children’s playthings and his wife’s sewing.
Everything in his flat, according to his friend, was dirty and covered with dust.
The flat was also in one of the worst sections of London, where the rent was low.”
“Liberalism is Christianity without the Christ”
– William Gayley Simpson
Social-marxism [aka liberalism aka multi-culturalism, The Left]:
An Orgy of Garbage & Feces of Unparalleled Proportions is Left Behind by Migrants in Austria [Video]
[my note this is how non-White turd worlders live normally, they literally shit and piss in the streets, side walks, alleys, parks, rivers they then drink from and bath in. In Africa and India all the time alone.]
“Just disgusting. In Austria, where hundreds of thousands of migrants are trekking their way into Germany, they are leaving a massive amount of garbage and feces in their wake. The port-a-potties are filthy and unusable.
These people are going to the bathroom everywhere and the filth they leave behind is epic. If a female volunteer tries to assist, she is called a Christian whore. How are the locals supposed to clean this up? There will be disease from it as well.
As Fjordman says, this is willful destruction and the greatest organized betrayal in Western history. Almost none of these people are from Syria. This is the Islamic Hijrah migration in full swing and in all it’s vileness.
This doesn’t take into account the rapes and murders that follow these people. It is physical and spiritual filth on display.

From Gateway Pundit:
“Nickelsdorf, Austria is drowning in migrant feces and garbage in unparalleled dimensions.
There is trash everywhere.
The migrants leave their trash as they move through the area on their way to Germany.
Locals are faced with piles of trash and feces as the migrants move through town.
Here is video of the migrant invasion outside Nickelsdorf, Austria.
Gates of Vienna wrote this on the suicide of Western culture:
“This destruction is being executed willfully, deliberately, and with malice aforethought. As Fjordman has often said: “This is the greatest organized betrayal in Western history.”
Vlad Tepes reported, translated from Unzen Suriert
When you dare to take a look at the border town of Nickelsdorf, population 1,600, you will literally be blown away: uncontrolled, illegal migrants wherever you look, and an orgy of garbage and feces of unparalleled dimensions.
As early as arriving at the railway station in Nickelsdorf one will notice crowds surrounding ‘Trafiks’ (slang for tobacconist). An astonishingly high number of immigrants – or migrants, want to pay with 500 Euro-bills. The Trafikant is obviously overwhelmed by this payment method, which seems to have been going on for a long while now. The customers are baffled for being rejected due to lack of change.
Everything completely filthy
Commuters of the 87 kilometers near Vienna Neustadt report, that in the until recently of hundreds of immigrants occupied Arena ‘Nova’, there also was an unusually massive burden and exposure of fecal matter, because these guests from foreign countries “went potty everywhere”. The supplied porta-potties were left “completely filthy” and unusable.
Many people in Nickelsdorf feel completely let down by their government. “It’s like at the end of the war, back when the Wehrmacht surrendered the area east of Bruck on the Leitha to the Red Army and we were left completely defenseless at the mercy of the marauding Russians”, one man remembers the stories his grandparents told him.
Female assistants are “Christian whores”
One unsettled female voluntary helper tells that “we were continuously berated as Christian whores.” Others just don’t understand just what kinds of people were marching through the land completely uncontrolled and unregistered, with the blessing of the government: “There were the most strangest types, some way too tall Chinese, supposedly from Mongolia or similar areas, colored people in all shades – but hardy any Syrians.” The rumor that Hungary had used the chaos to empty out their prisons, is persistent.”
Hungary has indeed emptied their prisons I hear. What the leaders of these countries are allowing is unspeakable and unfathomable. The residents in these towns feel conquered and deflated. As if there is no way they can fight back. Their women have not ventured outside for months in fear of being raped and/or killed. Austria’s borders are gone – her sovereignty is no more. Police are not even trying to enforce border control at this point. Again and again, reports are surfacing that the disease Amoebic Dysentery is raging in Austria. The Catholic Church in Nickelsdorf supplied an empty building for the refugees, which after an incredibly short time had to be cleared out again and disinfected after a public health officer’s visit. No precise information is available at this time. “Why don’t we hear and see anything in the media, why are we not being informed about what’s going on here?”, is a question that locals ask themselves repeatedly. The only ones reporting on this are those such as Gateway Pundit, Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes. Shame on the media and these so-called leaders.”
See also:
The End of Zion blog. The Fecal Fixation of the Chosen Ones
An Orgy of garbage and fieces is smth also very relative to communists and social marxists. Maybe that’s why they so welcome muslims who mainly bring it to their counries. It is just a fact that non-Whites are spreading dung all over the world [“upon the face of the earth”] where they become islamic / communist ches pawns of jews: South Africa, China, Northern Brazil, “black” zones of USA and “no-go zones of Europe” – all filled with biblical dung and islamic fart. Just some most stunning examples:
Dead animals in rivers represent just one of the country’s many waste disposal concerns…
A migrant construction worker washes outside his dormitory after his shift, in Shanghai, on November 14, 2012. (Aly Song/Reuters)It’s not just dead pigs threatening China’s waterways. There are also “trash mountains” to worry about.
That what the Chinese media has taken to calling towering heaps of trash, like the 23,000-sq. meter pile in Hebei province (link in Chinese) that sits parlously close to Beijing’s water supply.
And though the trash mountain is no longer in use, local NGOs believe that the runoff of things like heavy metal and medical waste–what the villagers memorably call “trash soup”–now contaminate the reservoir and the surrounding soil.
Plus, the carcasses of pigs and chickens have attracted flocks of crows, which then destroy local crops as well. It’s also just gross. The villagers say that in the summer, it attracts so many swarms of flies that “they turn white walls to black.”
The one in Hebei might be the Everest of trash mountains, but China has many more. Just a day earlier, the Beijing Times reported on an eight-story-high trash mountain (link in Chinese) on the outskirts of Chaoyang district, in central Beijing, mostly made of construction waste (here’s a good photo of the mountain). Residents complain that they can’t open their windows when at home, and risk facing blinding dirt-storms when outside. The day before, the media reported on another,this one in Hangzhou. Last fall, a trash mountain in Lanzhou collapsed, burying a scavenger alive (link in Chinese).
And that’s just recently. In fact, there are enough trash mountains that artist Yao Lu has captured a slew of them, framing them in the style of China’s iconic landscape painting style , known as “mountains and water.”
Garbage Mountain Falls After Hard Rain, Kills 10
June 17, 2002|From Times Wire Reports
A mountain of garbage waterlogged from days of rain collapsed onto a factory and workers’ dormitory in western China, killing 10 people inside, the official New China News Agency reported.
Four people were dug out and were recovering in a hospital after Friday’s collapse near the village of Shandong, the agency said.
Rescue was difficult because the collapse also severed power lines and buried roads, it said.
Hundreds of people have died in western China in the last week from floods that have obliterated bridges, houses and power grids.
The Wonders Of The Modern World: China’s Amazing Tower Of Garbage
When it comes to ancient wonders of the world, there is the tower of Babel, and to a lesser extent, the leaning tower of Pisa. Sadly, modern wonders leave something to be desired: case in point, this 30 metres high garbage mountain at the crossroad of Huanghe avenue and Zhufeng street of Shijiazhuang, central China’s Hebei province. The garbage mountain has been piled up as high as a 9-story Building in the last 30 years. The local village committee now is dealing with these wastes: best of luck. And to think all it took were several trillion in non-performing loans…
“I think that’s what makes many Swedes jealous of immigrant groups. You have a culture, an identity, a history, something that brings you together. And what do we have? We have Midsummer’s Eve and such silly things.”
— Mona Sahlin [Jew] in a speech to the Turkish youth organization Euroturk, March, 2002. Source
Let us see a culture, an identity and a history that brings them together:
This is what exactly brings them together:

This what brings them together with communists, judaists and other abrajamic / jewish pawns. This is really what brings all abrahamic programs – old and new – together under jewish god. “…they shall not be gathered, nor be buried; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth.” (Jeremiah 8:2) Muslim migrants in Austria:

Communism in Brazil – a gift of mud races to Portuguese People:
Rio Olympics: Venue contaminated with human feces
Experts forecast 99 per cent chance of infection after ingesting 3 teaspoons of water.
Athletes in the 2016 Rio Olympics will be swimming and boating in waters so contaminated with human feces that they risk becoming violently ill and unable to compete in the games, an Associated Press investigation has found.
An AP analysis of water quality revealed dangerously high levels of viruses and bacteria from human sewage in Olympic and Paralympic venues — results that alarmed international experts and dismayed competitors training in Rio, some of whom have already fallen ill with fevers, vomiting and diarrhea.
Dead fish and debris float in the Guanabara Bay in Rio di Janeiro, Brazil. (Google Images)
Communism in SA – Black Worker’s paradise after driving away the “fucking White male”

But the first place among all garbage and fieces rates rightfully belongs to Red China: jewish communism in full blossom…

Now enjoy. This is what our Ancestors built for us – smth that now we can see only on the old photos – the world without mud races, mud religions and mud political regimes.
Austria before orgy of jews, garbage and feces – Vienna before muslims, early 20 century:

Pre-muslim Austria, Vienna 1980s. Do you notice any shit there?
Not yet muslim Portugal, streets of Tomar – do you notice shit here? (This could be Brazil without mud races):
Most German city of Brazil, Pomerode – little piece of Brazil without mud races. Do you notice shit here?
Apartheid South Africa, beaches – do you notice any shit here?
During WW2 Third Reich had varies Labour Services, among tham Women’s Reich Labour Service. Women and girls were cleaning streets, healing soldiers and doing other noble work for their People. Soviet communists tortured 500 of them to death in one occupied camp of Vilmsee in Neustettin, and many more in others. In RAD, BDM and other camps over 2000 girls were tortured to death in 3 days. These people were nothing but useful, they were cleaning, cooking and serving their country in other different ways [unlike nazarene-minded communists and islamists, who hate physical labour to the extent where they prefer to live in trash mountains], healing and smoothing pain of wounded soldiers. But themselves died of pain thanks communist rapists.
Among native Germans there is still a tradition to purify their area. All inhabitans of the hause cleanse their yards and neighborhood in turn so that their streets are always clean and beautiful. This beautiful tradition is still alive, and in distant virginal places of Germany, where no muslim shit-maker has yet migrated, you still can found clean beautiful streets, friendly people and wonderful Nature.
all the news linked above