• The Rothshilds.
Not very much evidence is there in the net about the real financial activity of Rothshilds. But let’s see some their main cash flows through history:
1. They owned Central Bank in England. After USA won their independence, Rothschilds did everything to infiltrate their money system and succeeded through funding the creation of Federal Reserve System which is working til nowadays like a rob-machine for the American people The Ugly Truth about Mind Manipulation, Mass Programming and the Control of Money
2. They sponsored bolshevist revolution of 1917 and created Russian communism, and later – its Chinese version that formed a powerful Jewish communist empire in the East, World In Chains: The Rothschild Web, Jews Created Communist China
3. Then, Rothshilds, Rockefellers together with Russian and Chinese Jewish oligarchs created a ring of oil giants all over the world, who’s competition with each other is all facade Rothschild’s Black Gold Empire
4. Eventually, international Jewish dynasties of Rothschild, Warburg and Baruch created EU through their puppet Kalergi, who admits in his autobiography their financial help in EU project and its ultimate goal – “to turn Europe into the mixed race of Asians and Negros” Genocide through mass rape
So different funding activity……. can have only one explanation – it has the same eventual result. Probably the very fact of creating EU did not fully accomplish their agenda, so that now Rothschilds and their owned companies are funding terrorist activity in the East and therefore “refugee crisis” that HASTENS their work in EU….
Rothschild’s “Slaughter Ships”
Coercive Engineered Migration: Zionism’s War on Europe (Part 4 of 11)
by Gearóid Ó Colmáin / January 24th, 2016
“Austrian intelligence officials have reportedly revealed that US government agencies are paying for the transport of migrants to Europe. On August 5th, 2015 Austrian magazine Infodirekt reported:
It has come to our knowledge that US organisations are paying for the boats taking thousands of refugees to Europe. US organisations have created a co-financing scheme which provides for a considerable portion of the transportation costs. Not every refugee from North Africa has 11,000 Euro cash. Nobody is asking, where is the money coming from?
French government officials have also been caught selling life boats to refugees in Turkey. France’s France 2 Television station filmed French honorary pro-consul Françoise Olcay in Turkey in flagrante delicto.
When the official was asked if she was aware that her actions were illegal, she indicated that there were hundreds of Turkish officials involved.
Many of the refugees/migrants arriving in Europe are being provided with false Syrian passports. Until the violence in Syria in 2011, Syrian passports were printed by French government printers. This fact strongly suggests French government involvement in the distribution of false Syrian passports.
European governments are out-sourcing the management of the migrant crisis to private companies.
The aforementioned K-TV has also revealed that private multi-national project management companies such as ORS Services have been making millions of Euros from the plight of refugees. In 2014 ORS Services received 21 million Euros from the German government and has seen profits doubling since the refugee crisis. The Austrian newspaper Heute reported that ORS made 21 million euro this year alone from the migrant crisis.
Shareholder finance of ORS Services is managed by the private equity firm Equistone Partners Europe, an affiliate of the Rothschild-owned Barclays Bank, which is considered to be the most influential financial institutions in the world. German economist Wolfang Freisleben has described Barclays Bank as “Rothschilds slaughtership”. Barclays is the most important shareholder in both NM Rothschild bank and Lazard Brothers. Former director of Barclays Marcus Agius is married to a daughter of Edmond de Rothschild. Agius was also director of the British Broadcasting Corporation’s executive board and served in the Steering Committee of the secretive Bilderberg Group.
As in the case of the Arab Spring, some anarchists are once again unwitting tools and fools of imperialist subversion. The Berliner anarchist collective “Peng”! is helping to smuggle immigrants into Europe illegally. This is part of the groups ‘international solidarity’. The organisation is funded by the ultra-right wing Ayn Rand Institute, whose director is Israeli and Zionist ideologue Yaron Brook.
Ayn Rand was a Jewish philosopher who promoted the concept of objectivism; the idea that self-interest is the goal in every individual’s life and that laissez-faire capitalism is the only system compatible with the individual’s super-egotism.
Here again we see capitalism’s reliance on youthful rebellion of a politically correct ‘leftist’ variety in order to further entrench its grip on humanity.
A key ‘weapon’ used in 2011 by imperialism to destroy the institutions of the nation-state was the smartphone. Thousands of smartphones were provided to US-funded ‘activists’ during Zionism’s ‘Arab Spring’. It is unsurprising, therefore, to see that smartphones are being supplied to thousands of migrants by NGOs once they arrive in Europe. This could become a nightmare for any nation-state refusing to cooperate with imperialism’s migration agenda.
Researchers in Germany found that migrants were being supplied with smartphones by Austria’s A-1 mobile phone company. The A-1 mobile company is controlled by Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim. Slim, whose real name is Salem, comes from the Levant…..”
“…..Billionaire George Soros has advised the European Union to increase funding to NGOs and the private sector dealing with the refugee crisis. It looks like Brussels is following his advice with the fund put aside to deal with the crisis now doubling to 9.5 billion euro. Good news for Equistone Partners Europe, the Rothschild banking mafia!
Another organisation highly active in the smuggling of refugees to Europe is ‘Fluchlinghelfer.In’, which is funded by the afore-mentioned Ayn Rand Institute.”
[Ayn Rand was a Soviet born and trained Jewess Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum sent by USSR jews to subvert the West]
Serbian news service report that Rothshilds are those who mainly sponsor shipping immigrants to Europe.
http://www.nakanune.ru/articles/110862/ (Russian)
“Yes, Europe is small, but to get there from Africa needs money, and a big money, so who is the tour operator for the new barbarians? They have no horses, right? The point of this version is, somebody is financing “European migrant crisis” on purpose, thinks political analyst from Skopje, Milenko Nedelkovski, reported by the Serbian edition “Kurir”. In the same time “Kurir” reports, that the immigration floods in this direction are funded by “human rights” organizations of Rothshilds, and specifies, that the shipping costs of shipping migrants across the sea — 3-3,5 thousands euros, to the specific EU country — 7-11 thousands euro.”
How the Rothschilds finance “the great transmigration of peoples” (translated from French)
«Migration crisis, which has put in danger the very existence of the European Union, could be provoked and supported financially by the clan of Rothshild. This conclusion is suggested by the publication of the Serbian edition Kurier, which indicates that migration flows are funded by human rights organizations associated with Rothschild. The costs are considerable: the cost of transport to Europe via the sea is 3000-3500 euros, and to a specific country in the European Union 7000-11000 euros. The article also cites the opinion of political analyst Milenko Nedelkovski Skopje, who notes that 90% of migrants arriving in Macedonia and Serbia are men. It seems suspicious to the expert that all men are from countries with a traditional culture where it is not customary for a man to leave his family. According to Nedelkovski, the presence of a large number of young men among migrants raises concerns, that some of them may support “Islamic State”, banned in Russia. In addition, police said Serbian borders, 90% of migrants from Muslim countries indicate birth date as January 1 of that year, without the documents confirming this fact.”
The Fake European Refugee Crisis
by thewealthwatchman
“One of the reasons that the globalist elites love mass immigration, is because they love to flood Western job markets with infinite, cheap labor. In doing so, they can drive wages lower for everyone, and help the bottom line of all their favorite large corporations…
This helps to brighten up those anticipated, quarterly reports on Wall Street, all while the wage slaves continue through years of stagflation and central planning, all without significant, meaning raises in their earnings or standard of living. It’s just another wondrous ingredient of the gigantic “race to the bottom” called “globalism”.
In fact, many in Europe already see through this plot, with France’s National Front leader, Marine le Pen calling a spade a spade:
“Germany is probably thinking of its moribund demographics, and it is probably trying to lower salaries again and to continue to recruit slaves via massive immigration.”
There is, however, another sinister reason that mass 2nd and 3rd world immigration is being pushed on all White, Western countries(and nowhere else):
The global elites love pushing “divide and conquer”, and what better way to render a country defenseless than to literally divide the populace against each other, by directly injecting peoples of clashing cultures and religions into it?”
The picture on the right proves that migrants do NOT need asylum, they come to Europe for benefits alone.
Wonder who sponsored those who pushed these benefits to become a law…
They built communist super-power of Soviet Union i.e. they actually bought WW2. They built Red China and North Korea slave states. They built EU, Islamic state and Al-Qaeda and all havoc we have now in the Middle East. And therefore – “refugee flood”. They pay for communism and islam in the same time as if these two had no separation line between them. Let’s move to the next billionaire:
• Billionaire investor George Soros.
“Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary, to a nonobservant Jewish family. Soros later said that he grew up in a Jewish home and that his parents were cautious with their religious roots. In 1936, his father changed the family name from Schwartz (“black” in German) to Soros (a successor in Hungarian or will soar in Esperanto)” – Wikipedia.
Jew Soros is not only a pro-immigrant propagandist, before he also:
1. Worked hard to help White Genocide in South Africa Don’t forget Soros and his pernicious influence in South Africa … also related in Wikipedia
2. Organized the Occupy Wall Street Movement via Adbusters From Wall Street With Guile
3. Funded Ferguson and all black-white racial warfare in America Jews Behind Ferguson Trying To Start Race War
4. Funded aerially assassinating of Brazilian Presidential Candidate by CIA to place jewess Dilma into presidency CIA killed candidate, says USA journalist
Now he is working hard to open borders of Europe to its death…
Soros Admits Involvement In Migrant Crisis: ‘National Borders Are The Obstacle’
“Billionaire investor George Soros has confirmed he wants to bring down Europe’s borders, following the accusation made last week by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
Last week, Mr Orban accused Mr Soros – who was born in Hungary – of deliberately encouraging the migrant crisis.
“This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state,” Mr Orban said.
“This Western mindset and this activist network is perhaps best represented by George Soros.”
Mr Soros has now issued an email statement to Bloomberg Business, claiming his foundations help “uphold European values”, while Mr Oban’s actions in strengthening the Hungarian border and stopping a huge migrant influx “undermine those values.”
“His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle,” Mr Soros added. “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”
Last month, Mr Orban accused pro-immigration non-governmental organisations (NGOs) of “drawing a living from the immigration crisis,” singling out those funded by Mr Soros.
George Soros is a firm backer of transnational bodies such as the European Union, and his Open Society Foundation (OSF) provides assistance for pro-migration activists. He is well-known for his support for “progressive” causes such as the Centre for American Progress, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.”
Soros Funding Nonwhite Invasion—Hungarian Mayor
“George Soros and his Open Society Foundations (OSF) are one of the groups actively funding illegal immigration into Europe, the famous Hungarian mayor of the town of Ásotthalom, László Toroczkai, has said.
Mayor Toroczkai made the claim during a press conference yesterday in Budapest in front of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Supreme Court of Hungary, where he had just handed in a series of criminal charges against several pro-invasion left-wing organizations in Hungary.
As reported by the Custodela news service—set up by the mayor and his supporters in a specially convened meeting in December 2015, the Hungarian Parliament’s National Security Committee has now been formally requested to look into how these pro-invasion organizations operate—and how they are funded.
“They also need to be banned from political activities in schools and public institutions,” Mayor Toroczkai said.
“The Hungarian public must get a clear picture of migration aid organizations operating illegally without the appropriate licenses,” he continued. “We have clear evidence now that illegal migration destabilizes the European Union, and that it is the result of an organized effort.”
The invasion, he said, is “supported, assisted, and organized by NGOs operating illegally in Hungary while receiving billions of HUF [Hungarian forints] from abroad.”
He also announced that he had pressed criminal charges in three particular cases against pro-invasion organizations, the details of which were uncovered by the local police of Ásotthalom.
“We have evidence, including witnesses and photo images, to prove that the migrants who broke out of the Röszke registration center in August 2015 were incited by migration organizers posing as volunteers to create havoc and break out of the registration center,” he said.
“In our view, these migration aid activists committed the crime of incitement against a decree of authority. We also have evidence that MigSzol [the “Migrant Solidarity Group of Hungary”] leader Balázs Szalai was loading illegal border crossers into his car right next to the razor wire border fence last year,” he continued.
Furthermore, he said, the Menedék [Hungarian Association for Migrants] organization was “also using the organization’s cars to transport migrants from the border in the area of Ásotthalom.”
These proven activities, he said, fulfill the requirements of human trafficking and the facilitation of unauthorized residence in Hungary, both criminal offences under the law.
Mayor Toroczkai also submitted a request to the parliament to convene the National Security Committee to investigate how some of these illegally operating, unlicensed organizations, including MigrationAid or MigSzol could conduct their activities and what accounts they used to receive donations of tens of millions HUF.
He informed the journalists that the Menedék organization had received over one billion HUF in donations last year, 90 percent of which came from abroad.
“These organizations operated with a complete lack of transparency last year, deceiving the Hungarian authorities, and clearly posed a national security risk.”
One of these illegally operating organizations, MigSzol, had, in December last year, even visited a primary school in his town “with the obvious intention” of indoctrinating children in the area.
“There is no need for such organizations to set foot in schools and other public institutions,” he said, reminding the media that a former leader of MigSzol had turned out to be a criminal previously sentenced to prison on multiple charges, including fraud.
Mayor Toroczkai specifically named Soros’s Open Society Foundations as the major contributor to these pro-invasion organizations in Hungary.
According to that organization’s website, from 1993–2014, its expenditures included $2.9 billion to defend human rights, “especially the rights of women, ethnic, racial, and religious minorities, drug users, sex workers, and LGBTQ communities;” $1.6 billion on “developing democracy in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union;” $1.5 billion in the United States “to promote reform in immigration, equal rights, and democratic governance;” and $214 million to “advance the rights of Roma communities in Europe;” $33 million to “civil rights and social justice organizations in the United States,” including groups such as the Organization for Black Struggle, and Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, that supported protests in the wake of the shooting of Trayvon Martin, the death of Eric Garner, the shooting of Tamir Rice, and the shooting of Michael Brown.”
Not only Soros demand “open border” of Hungary, he demands it of all European countries, and threaten Britain that is fed up with human meet in kebab, with “heavy payment” if it quits EU, created by kike oligarches.
Soros: Europe needs unified migration policy
“The European Union needs a “unified migration policy” as its member states currently have separate migration policies that are “contradictory to each other”, Hungarian-born American business magnate Gyorgy Soros said in an interview with Channel 4 news yesterday.
“You need a unified European migration policy, as you now have 28 different countries, with different policies and some are directly contradictory to each other, and that has created a chaos, and that is what is turning public opinion against migrants, who are victims and deserve help,” Soros said. According to the business magnate, instead of helping them , “they are turned into an illegal position.”
He remembers that “I was myself an asylum-seeker, and I was treated very well, when I went to England, I asked for asylum and I got it. Unfortunately the European Union now is facing the opposition of the members, in which Britain is very much at fault.”
When the interviewer mentions that many people are concerned about the ever growing number of immigrants in Britain, Soros agrees, however, he says that “you also have a declining birthrate, and for a flourishing economy you need some growth … so there is a need for migrants and there is a need for growth as well.”
Commenting on Britain’s possible exit from the European Union, Soros says it would be a “tragedy” for Europe, but “it would be an even greater tragedy for Britain, because Britain right now has the best of all possible worlds, as it is a member of the common market but is not a member of the euro[zone], and I think it is a big mistake to solve the problem by leaving the European Union and I think Britain will pay a very heavy price.” He added that he believes that “businessmen in particular ought to be telling the public what is in store if you have a British exit.”
The Budapest Business Journalʼs latest report reveals that activists say the government’s tendency to confuse immigrants and refugees, and to use inflammatory language, are stirring hatred.”
Again, funding communism in South Africa, communism in America (“Occupy Wall Street” is communist), funding the victory of the communist party in Brazil… and islam. It indicates that jews know islam and communism has one goal and one result.
• Oil Giants.
ATTENTION! The below info is not meant to discourage you from having cars and using oil. This is not an anti-comfort propaganda!
All international oil giants are jew owned.
Here is some info about Western oil giants and smaller companies bought by those giants paying for wars in Syria and Iraq, i.e. “refugee crisis” in Europe:
World Oil Companies Owned by Jewish Rockefeller Family
*Note- the above given link supports the program of islam. In order to be fully aware and to completely break free of the trap in which the jews have placed you, you need to understand that islam itself is merely another jewish smoke screen. Yet another program of destruction for our Gentile People. Please read the entire contents of the Exposing the lie of islam website.
“Many world oil companies such as Exxon Mobil, Chevron, BP, Amoco, Conoco, Arco are from Standard Oil Company. An oil company owned by the Rockefeller family.
These oil companies exploit oil and gas all over the world including Africa and Indonesia. Sometimes they make US president that they help in presidential campaign to make “War for Oil” such as to Iraq. They also try to attack Libya to get its oil but fail until now.
The Jewish oil companies monopoly the world oil. They forced people to buy oil with a very expensive price”.
Further this site relates a compilation of other oil firms owned by the above and their connection.
This site is wonderful in exposing the history of Rockefeller starting Oil business all over the world, and it is also notable there how he fought both for oil and for christian slavery for humanity, as if there were no separation line between monetary and religious power, and this is how it really is.
Now the inheritors of Rockefeller’s owned Standard Oil Company pay for “refugee crisis” i.e. White genocide in Europe because “War for Oil”.
Their top-management openly fights for “open borders”
EU should ‘undermine national homogeneity’ says UN migration chief
The EU should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states, the UN’s special representative for migration has said.
Mr Sutherland, who is non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former chairman of oil giant BP [Rothschild/Rockefeller owned company], heads the Global Forum on Migration and Development , which brings together representatives of 160 nations to share policy ideas.
He told the House of Lords committee migration was a “crucial dynamic for economic growth” in some EU nations “however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states”.”
Middle Eastern & African Oil Giants
Main oil-exporting empire such as Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia are ruled owned and run by racial jews.
The Jewish roots of the Saudi Royal Family
Qatar is ruled by racial jews
They are the only Arab states that ISIS and related terrorist groups do not attack, the only ones whom Israel does not attack. They are funding both ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Clinton Foundation in America which support White Genocide and muslim / third world immigration:
Hillary In Leaked Email: Saudi Arabia And Qatar Are Funding ISIS
“While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region,” – Hillary to her jewish master, Podesta. In email on August 17, 2014.
Why Did the Saudi Regime and Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to Clinton Foundation?
Saudi regime by itself has donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation, with donations coming as late as 2014, as she prepared her presidential run. A group called “Friends of Saudi Arabia,” co-founded “by a Saudi Prince,” gave an additional amount between $1 million and $5 million. The Clinton Foundation says that between $1 million and $5 million was also donated by “the State of Qatar,” the United Arab Emirates, and the government of Brunei. “The State of Kuwait” has donated between $5 million and $10 million.
So all oil Giants of the Third World are pro-Left i.e. pro- muslim immigration in White countries, i.e. pro- White genocide. No wonder they also fund Islamic State.
ISIS enters the West:
Full proof that “refugee flood” is a military invasion
Russian oil Giants.
If I ask you what USSR was all about, you will answer: WW2, communist murder-machine, repression machine, genocide machine etc. But no one will say the most important thing USSR was all about: it was the first absolutely multicultural state in the world. First officially open-border state based on mass non-White muslim immigration. Non-Slav Republics were brown muslim savage states they still now are and there was absolutely no single obstacle for a jungle savage to free-pass Western White zone of USSR and do to White Russian woman whatever it wants. And as far as according to “reputation” demand of ruling kikes, there must have been “no maniacs nor crime” in Soviet paradise and as far as any open telling that there was, was punished by death, you can only logically assume what concealed amount of mass rape there actually was. Again, communist paradise = muslim paradise.
After telling this I remind that Putin admitted in the VOLDAI conference in September 2013, that: “The integration of the former Soviet Union into a single geopolitical entity is a key priority for Russia”.
Russian oil giants Gazprom, Novatek, TNK-BP / TNK-BP International (owned by BP), Rosneft etc. are all jew-owned and jew-run companies. Most of them are governmental. “Governmental” means that their profit goes into the “budget”. Thus everything Putin and Russian [100% jewish] government do, these companies fund. Now let’s see what they do.
From “Putin is Enemy” by A. Saveliev:
“By changing immigration laws, Putin opened borders for millions of non-white immigrants. Many non-native societies were formed in Russian cities. They are terrorizing local indigenous population with help from Putin`s protégés, who hold all of the key positions in administrations and law-enforcing structures. All protests are stamped by illegal arrests and non-lawful court decisions.
Putin de-facto acknowledged an independence of Chechnya and the fact, that 500 thousands of ethnic Russians were cleansed from this region, and also gave amnesty for all bandits and terrorists, who fought against Russia. Some of the terrorists even received the “Hero of Russia” award, the highest award in Russia. Russian refugees from Chechnya didn`t receive any help, although ethnic Checnen “victims of the war” received and continue to receive tens of thousands of dollars per person.
Higher education almost fully turned to be commercial and can only be afforded by a rich minority of the Russian citizens. School education is almost destroyed. In last years, those who leave schools lack even some elementary knowledge.
Mosques start to rise in core Russian cities”.
While the above is internal affairs, the external ones they fund are the war in Syria, which is a main source of “refugees” i.e. White genocide.
Russian bombing in Syria ‘fuels refugee crisis’ says US official
Only a third of 5,000 Russian airstrikes are targeting Islamic State and its imprecise attacks are forcing the population to flee, fuelling Europe’s refugee crisis, a senior US official said on Saturday.
“We are not convinced of what the Russian intentions are,” the official said on condition of anonymity.
“For a while, very few strikes were going against [Isis] and after a lot of public condemnation they turned a number of strikes against [Isis],” the official said, referring to Islamic State, the militant group that controls territory in Syria and Iraq.
The US official said Russia used fewer precision-guided munitions than the US and its allies.
“The Russian strikes that are not precise cause me great concern because I think there is an indirect correlation to the refugee flow,” the official said.
Growing Air War in Syria Sparks New Refugee Crisis
Sandra Bitar, who visited Washington for a conference hosted by the Middle East Institute, told FP. “People had to leave their houses there because of the Russian airstrikes, not because of ISIS,” she said.
We again see that Russian leader Putin organizes his cash flows so that they work in the same time on both restoring Soviet communism and Syrian war i.e. muslim immigration in Europe. Proving again islam and communism are not that different as they are said to be.
They don’t act as if the above were separate affairs, they act as if they were one investment project.
They funded this [communism]:
Chinese trash mountains
And now they fund this [islam]:
An Orgy of Garbage & Feces caused by muslims in Europe – the “economical growth” by Soros…
How European street where muslims live looks like
They funded this [communism]:

And now they fund this [islam]:

They funded this [communism]:
Expulsed German girl in despair, beaten (maybe raped), filmed on a country road near the Czech border. She had nothing to do with Nazi party, she lived in Czechoslovakia and as many peaceful Germans kicked out of her house, robbed of everything she had, beaten and expelled of her home country without a penny.
And now they fund this [islam]:

They funded this [communism]:
Slideshow consists of photos of murdered German SS guards from the Russian/Ukrainian blog Ревизионизм холокоста [Revisionism of Holocaust]. Article Резня в Дахау [Dachau Massacre]
And now they are funding this [islam]:

Now I have a question to my readers. The above seems some compilation of events that happened in different epochs, in different countries, to different peoples…. Are they really that? Or are they the same events each reflected in a mirror? Don’t hurry with an answer. Let us look into some of them more carefully.
The Tower of Babel
1 And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech.
2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
3 And they said one to another: ‘Come, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly.’ And /they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.
4 And they said: ‘Come, let us build us a city, and a tower, with its top in heaven, and let us make us a name; lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.’
5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men built
6 And the LORD said: ‘Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is what they begin to do; and now nothing will be withholden from them, which they purpose to do.
7 Come, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.’
8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth; and they left off to build the city.
9 Therefore was the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth; and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.”
“The Tower of Babel has to do with raising the Serpent [building a tower is an analogy]. With the Serpentine Power, telepathic communication and all knowledge are possible and with telepathic communication, there are no language barriers, as the communication is filtered down through the pineal gland from the communicator into whatever language the receiver mainly speaks and understands. This is why some telepathic communications can be ‘off’ sometimes. Specific words don’t always get filtered perfectly for one, due to an under-activated pineal gland, and for another, there are sometimes major differences in languages. In some languages there is no equivalent expression or word to convey what is meant in another language.”
– High Priestess Maxine Dietrich 911 was also a spiritual attack tower of babel.
Now look here:
“The whole side! It’s gone! It’s a whole tower! It’s gone!”
The Death came from Heaven…. – Hellstorm documentary
As on the early medieval engravings depicting Tower of Babel:
Independent research discovered that Twin Towers fell nearly “free speed” down into their inside, revealing they were subverted before attacks from the inside, i.e. “prepared” for the attacks.
Nice coincidence. Tower of Babel on the medieval paintings “went gone” in the same manner.

Card Tarot of Major Arcana: The Tower
Tower – both architectural structure and biblical story is symbolic of raising the Serpent and always symbolized spine column. HPs Maxine also noted that cards tarot are a gift of Gods, namely Thoth. But as well as in both biblical story, card tarot Tower is shown destroyed. All the cards we have now were made after the time of “War in Heaven” – after our Serpents were “destroyed” and fell down the spine beneath the base chakra……
“nearly “free speed” down into their inside, revealing they were subverted before attacks from the inside, i.e. “prepared” for the attacks”……
Cards tarot originally depicted different stages of the Magnum Opus and this card was probably related to the Serpent going up the spine which the architectural form of Tower was symbolic of. During the christian epoch it was depicted like this.
Traditionally upright Tower means full destruction of the things as they were, sudden and usually very undesirable change. The very thing that happened on 9/11. Crushing, going down in both literal and figurative sense of the word. “Death from heaven” – as depicted on the left.
”Upright. The bolt from the blue. Collapse of the structure.”
– Anthony louis. Tarot plain and simple
Once upon a time, on Russian Tarot forum one member shared that on September 11 she took out the “card of the day” and it happened to be Tower upright.
On 9/11 the “death from heaven” was sent down by jews: http://www.911missinglinks.com/
This is ONE event.
Sodom and Gomorra is another story about a “death from heaven”, now it is not one tower but a whole city.
24. Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;
28. And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.
(Genesis 19:24-28)
The attack during the last week of July 1943, Operation Gomorrah, created one of the largest firestorms raised by the Royal Air Force and United States Army Air Forces in World War II, killing 42,600 civilians and wounding 37,000 in Hamburg and virtually destroying most of the city.
The name Gomorrah comes from that of one of the two Canaanite cities of Sodom and Gomorrah whose destruction is narrated in the Bible: “Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord out of the heavens.” – Genesis 19:24
– Wikipedia
Appropriately dubbed by the Allies as Operation Gomorrah, the raids had been a cold and calculated attempt to scorch Hamburg and its people from the face of the earth. The plan succeeded. With 13 square miles of total destruction, the 750,000 homeless, with an estimated 60,000 to 100,000 dead, mostly women and children, Hamburg for all intents and purposes had ceased to exist.
– Hellstorm documentary video (English subs).
Canaanites were Gentiles. They worshipped Baal, our Demon Beelzebub. / Goetic Demon Baal also acknowledged as our Demon in the Third Reich’s Satanism. Full pantheon of Canaanites can be found here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Canaanite_religion. Not only jews destroyed these people, they stole the word to name their fictitious jewish god from Canaanite pantheon: “Yahweh, the god of tempests and the leader of Ba’al’s armies in heaven” – not only their jewish/muslim god has no its own face, it even has no its own name. So, what we have here:
WW2 was funded by banksters. Everything falls into place: jewish banksters = jewish god. Bombarding = fire from heaven. Canaanites = Gentiles with Pagan religion = us, White Europeans = Germans [Russian, Europe = German tribes].
This is ONE event.
More “death from heaven”:
The dates chosen for bombing of Dresden during WWII coincided with the Christian holy day of “Ash Wednesday”…
Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of blessing ashes and placing them on the heads of participants to the accompaniment of the words “Repent, and believe in the Gospel” or “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”. – Wikipedia. Ash Wednesday.
And Dresden returned to the dust. Same logic.
Now the most popular biblical story after which one of 66 biblical books have been named – Exodus of jews from Egypt. All it’s sense is that once upon a time, jews as usual came to parasitize into rich and high-developed Ancient country Egypt. And vampired it so badly that Egyptians had to lock them into “German Auschwitz” of those times – with swimming pools, theaters, schools, beaches etc. – to make them do some honest work to earn their living. And it was such a crime against jews – to make them work – that their god Jehovah unleashed 10 punishments among which were parasites, natural disasters, and mass death of children and animal cubs.
Now look what happened to Nazi Germany when they decided to make jews honestly work to earn their living like human beings: world war, fires from heaven, hunger, typhus epidemic [virus/parasites], mass death of children and animals [they were bombing even zoos and circuses] – all 10 punishments.
This war was funded by jewish banksters of America who built Soviet Union and invested a lot specifically into this war = it *was done by jewish god* who is jewish elite: banksters / oligarchs.
This is ONE event.
Genocide and mass rape of Midianites. Numbers, chapters 25-26
Midianites were Gentile nation worshipping Baalpeor, one of our Gods [note of the author, probably Belphegor. In Russian bible it spells as “Phegor”. Bel / Baal means “lord”, Peor can be the name]. Kikes began race mixing with them and jewish god went jealous of Baalpeor. So it ended with kikes cutting off all their men and wives/mothers while raping and enslaving all their virgin girls.
The same thing now is happening to Europe
English subs from the video Open Gates: Forced Suicide of European Peoples:
(Quotes of muslims)
“We are multiplying faster and faster.
You Germans are not getting any children!
At most you get 2 children.
We are making 7-8 children.
And then we take 4 wives each, then we have 22 children.
So make it Allah (blessed be his name) the almighty god that we conquer you.
Not with war, here in Germany, but with birth rates, firstly!
And secondly, we will marry your daughters!
And your daughter will wear a headscarf.
And your daughter will marry a bearded man.”
This time, “Death came from the East” – words from Hellstorm documentary.
This is ONE event. Etc. …………….
Jew mind does not see all this as separate independent things but one. Yes they happen in different ages and to different nations. One of them is myth and another is reality. But it doesn’t make any difference – myth or reality – they are one thing happening to our blood – through long centuries, through different worlds – but they are the same.
Liberals shout foaming at the mouth that terrorism has neither race nor nationality… neither religion nor faith… neither passport… neither person… neither name nor surname…. Or any other identification.
I can tell you, not only terrorism has nationality [Israeli], race [jewish] and unique DNA that no other earthling has [Kohen gene]… not only it has religion [Judaism]… and faith [all abrahamic religions]… it even has its own logotypes and brands:
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Terrorism has its own flag… its flag is a flag of Israel. I won’t relate it here…
Terrorism has flash and bones, a name and surname, a passport… and a face:

Terrorism has “heroes” of its own that exist nowadays and walk among us:
![]() Vladimir Putin, Russian president, Jew
Signed laws proclaiming: 5 years prison for holocaust denial 2 years prison for exposing Christianity, islam and Judaism Started WW3 in Syria side by side with CIA against the West But in this war his weapon is not the bombs His weapon is demographic It is mass immigration of third-worlders Putin: “I will do everything for the Jews!” Posted October 18, 2012 |
![]() Angela Kasner Merkel, German Chancellor, Jew
Has stolen from German taxpayers: $11 billion for 800 000 rapists of Germans in 2014 Opened Germany for up to 4 million new rapists in 2015 17+ billion on 5 million rapists of Germans in 2015 46+ billion for 10 million rapists of Germans in 2016 Is accountable of approximately 292 million rapes of German people in 2015 “Germany will be Islamic State” – Merkel, 2011 |
And the best of them:

Mona Sahlin, a Member of Swedish Parliament, representing Stockholm County, from 1982 to 1996 and again from 2002 to 2011, leader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party from 2007 to 2011, held various ministerial posts in the Swedish government from 1990 to 1991, from 1994 to 1995 and from 1998 to 2006, Jew.
Results of her work 1982-2011: Islamic Sweden is now the world’s second largest rape nation with a 1,472% increase in rapes.
“I hate everything that is genuine, typical Swedish.”
“If two equally qualified persons apply for a job in a company with few immigrants, the one who is named Mohammed shall have the job.”
“The White Majority is the Problem”
“The Swedes must be integrated into the new Sweden, the old Sweden will not return.”
Her Social Democrat motto “Allah ska med” (Swedish) is translated as “Allah be with you”
Terrorism has a goal:
And it has a messiah to accomplish this goal:
And eventually, terrorism has a person – stolen, fictitious, and fabricated or not, it doesn’t matter – a person with a name. AN IDENTITY.
Exodus 15:3
The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.
Among the main sources:
The Budapest Business Journal
Anthony louis. Tarot plain and simple
Wikipedia. Articles on all mentioned Oil Giants of Russian and the West.
Bible / torah.