As well as Jesus is a full-blooded jew personage of the jewish Gospel myth. Mohammed / Muhammed is a full-blooded jew personage of the book jews wrote for Arabs, quran.

On the right you see his full ancestry to the beginning of the creation according quran, which shows that Mohammed is completely jewish from paternal side. According the story, he came from the Quraysh tribe, whose ancestor was Kedar, son of Ismael, grandson of jew Ibrahim / Abraham.
A very important detail about muhammad’s jewish ancestry is that it was a member of Banu Hashim clan of Quraysh tribe – note, HaShem! – Banū Hāshim (Arabic: بنو هاشم) is a clan in the Quraysh tribe with a unique maternal bloodline of Israelite ancestry through Salma bint Amr of Banu Najjar. This makes Banu Hashim both an Ishmaelite and Israelite tribe.
“Banu” simply means “the children of” or “descendants of” in Arabic, usually translated just as “tribe”. “HaShem” simply means “the name” in Hebrew. HaShem is just 72 names of the jewish g-d that jewish rabbis recite all the time. Literally “the children of” or “descendants of the jewish g-d”, which directly links all islam to the jewish g-d.
Aminah, muhammad’s mother was also jewish by blood according quran. She was a member of the same tribe as his father and a descendent of the jew Ibrahim (Abraham) through his son Ismail (Ishmael). Which means according jewish law Muhammed was full-blooded jew, accepted as a jew in jewish community.
And not only he was jewish by blood, he was jewish by faith. As every chosen entitled blood jew, he was circumcised. Not only he lacked his male part, but he even said to be born circumcised which is considered special virtue among jews. Even jewsus Christ “king of judah” had to be artificially circumcised. But he revered born disability a lot.
Born disability is extremely revered by any Abrahamic religion, and personally highly praised by jewish messiah jewsus christ. As well as conscious self-mutilation.
Matthew 19: 12
12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
Matthew 5: 29-30
29 And if thy right eye offends thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
30 And if thy right hand offends thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
John 9
Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?
Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.
Muslim scholar Ibn Al-Qayyim mentioned three opinions concerning the circumcision of the muhammed. He said:
There are different opinions on this matter:
1 – That he was born circumcised
2 – That Jibrill circumcised him when he split open his chest
3 – That his grandfather ‘Abd al-Muttaalib circumcised him according to the jewish custom of circumcising their sons. [since Muhammad originated from jewish Quraysh tribe founded by jew Ishmael, son of Abraham]
According to some traditions, Muhammad was born without a foreskin (aposthetic).
Tuhfat al-Mawlood, p. 201.
“Ibn al-Qayyim said: It was said that circumcision was one of the words with which Allaah tested His Close Friend Ibraaheem [descendants of Ibrahim], and he fulfilled this world, and the most severely tested of mankind are the Prophets, then the next best and the next best. The Prophet listed circumcision as one of the features of the fitrah, and being tested with this and carrying out this command with patience will multiply the reward. It is more befitting that the Prophet should not miss out on this virtue and that Allaah should honour him in the same way as He honoured Ibraaheem, because he is more virtuous than any other Prophet”.
Muhammad was Ibraheem according quran, Ibraheem means descendants of Ibrahim / Abraham.
Please note that despite of mainstream lies in Wikipedia and whatever cuckolded resource, circumcision / “cutting off one’s foreskin” is exclusively jewish / abrahamic tradition which they spread around the world. The claim that “it was Pagan because it existed before islam, because prophet was circumcised before he thought islam up” is totally fake because according quran itself, Muhammad originated from jewish Ishmael-founded tribe of Qurayshites. Remember well this name because it will explain a lot of things further in this article.
Some hadith mentions circumcision in a list of practices known as “fitra” which us a Hebrew word meaning “special position”, “entitlement”.
From the jewish book: “The Commentary of R. Hoter: Shelomo to the Thirteen Principles of Maimonides” [start of the quote]
There are individuals that have (greater superior) disposition
“Al-fitra, “disposition”, is the same as Al-fitna, “general intelligence”, and it is the receiving of the true inspiration and imagination2)
A greater superior disposition and a greater measure of perfection
[mt note, jewish term “al-fitna” looks like the one which pseudo-Arabic term of “Khitan” or “Khatna” – the main term in Arabic which is used to address muslim male circumcision – originated from]
2) Ar., al-fitra mithl al-fitna. The former term, which is the one used by Maimonides” means “the intelligence one has from the womb” [!!!] or the “innate intelligence”.
[end of the quote]
We again have here this genetic racial supremacy thing – FROM THE WOMB i.e. from birth, from genetics. Circumcision was used by the jews to differentiate them from the nation they settled in to parasitize.
Ibn al-‘Adeem said: It says in some reports that his grandfather ‘Abd al-Muttalib circumcised him on the seventh day. He said, this seems to be the correct view and closest to reality.
– Ibn Al-Qayyim
According jewish tradition male jewish child must be circumcised on the 8th day of birth. This again clearly shows where this ugly psychopathy came to Arabian world from.
Leviticus 12:3
“And in the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.”
Wikipedia [start of the quote]
According to the Hebrew Bible, it was “a reproach” for an Israelite to be uncircumcised (Joshua 5:9.) The term arelim (“uncircumcised” [plural]) is used opprobriously, denoting the Philistines and other non-Israelites (I Samuel 14:6, 31:4; II Samuel 1:20) and used in conjunction with tameh (unpure) for heathen (Isaiah 52:1). The word arel (“uncircumcised” [singular]) is also employed for “impermeable” (Leviticus 26:41, “their uncircumcised hearts”; compare Jeremiah 9:25; Ezekiel 44:7,9).
However, the Israelites born in the wilderness after the Exodus from Egypt were not circumcised. Joshua 5:2-9, explains, “all the people that came out” of Egypt were circumcised, but those “born in the wilderness” were not. Therefore, Joshua, before the celebration of the Passover, had them circumcised at Gilgal specifically before they entered Canaan. Abraham, too, was circumcised when he moved into Canaan [which they stole from Gentiles/Pagans].
[end of the quote] – Wikipedia, jewish circumcision.
What this means is what jew Maimonides explained: the circumcision is a sign of “supremacy” and needed solely in the state of Gentiles / unclear / cattle for jews to differentiate their own. It is not needed in the wilderness or among their own. This also explains why this tradition exists among jews only: because jews only led completely and solely parasitic existence among other people instead of settling with their own. Parasite needs a host but it also needs smth to differentiate itself of a host. This smth is actually what all their Judaism is all about. This also clearly proves jews are a race not a religion.
So all mudslime “khitan”, “khatna” or whatever cuckolded term they have for this cuckolding oneself practice, is jewish tradition al-fitna. Which jew Muhammad adhered completely as a racial jew living in a jew-infected Pagan region.
Not only muhammed was born with sexual disability, he also cared all typical jewish mental diseases: paranoid schizophrenia, kleptomania, different phobias, narcissistic personality disorder.
“None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind.”
[Bukhari: B2-N14]
“O People who Believe! Do not consider your fathers and your brothers as your friends if they prefer disbelief over faith; and whoever among you befriends them – then it is he who is the unjust”
[Q9: 23]
Actually Muhammad himself admitted he suffered mental disease:
“He went to Khadija and said, ‘I think that I have gone mad.’”
[Tabari 6:70]
Now before I proceed about his jewish wives, I would like to note how this worst woman-hater in the world, mass rapist, mass murderer and excessive wife-beater… was actually a domestic parasite who married his first wife Khadija for financial and social security. She was his employer and a wealthy businesswoman hence why only he married her. Before marriage he made sure she is ok with taking all responsibility of sustaining the family on herself, and straight after marriage he fired from job and started his parasitic guruist lifestyle on her basement. According quran it was Khadija who funded and backed all his “Islamic project”. She was the one who *made* him what he became; and after her death, her inheritance was the one he based all his further “achievements” on.
For more details, see the article:
islam IS feminism
So very from the very beginning of islam, according quran, it was full built on jewish money (Khadija was jewish). At that time jewish male was forbidden to marry a non-jewish female, and we know that Muhammad used to strictly jewish rules. So if we analyze quran carefully we will see that not only 2 of his wives, who were Israeli, were jewish, but the majority of his 12 official legit wives [all stolen from Zodiac of course] were full blooded jewish according quran, except of probably 13th one, Marry, the Coptic xian slave from Egypt who was a daughter of a Copt and a Roman and was actually presented to Muhammad together with cattle and can’t be regarded as wife. According Talmud jew is permitted to rape non-jewish woman but not allowed to marry her.
The other notable thing is that most of his wives came from the same jewish tribe Quraysh as himself. Not only they were Qurayshites, descendants of Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew, but they also happen to be Muhammad’s close blood relatives, and we know that incest is also a deep ingrained jewish tradition.
Now I will relate all known lineages of all of muhammad’s wives as they are laid in quran or any islamic text or according to islamic tradition, so you see for yourself.
Note, any argument that “this tribe did not descend from these or those biblical jews because it is mentioned as Gentile in non-islamic sources” does not work, because all quran and all islamic texts are jewish lie and 100% fictitious. Any personage and any tribe in quran is a priori fictitious so no need to try to prove “real Gentile historical evidence” of these or those tribes. Any name of any tribe mentioned in islam will be described here as being jewish or non-jewish, as they are presented in islam, because my goal here is to prove the jewishness of islam, not to analyze historical reality of those times from where jews allegedly STOLE their islam. “Quraysh tribe” mentioned in quran is fictitious EVEN if the word “Quraysh” existed in the Ancient world. Of course no real historical tribe could descend from Ishmael or Ilyas or whatever biblical jew because BIBLE IS A LIE and ALL THESE PROPHETS DID NOT EXIST. Quran is not a historical evidence in any way or form. But a subliminal message of jewish dominance over Gentiles that’s why any main personage or tribe in quran is so jewish.
1. Khadija, full blooded jewess, relative of Muhammad. Khadija’s grandfather, Asad ibn Abd-al-Uzza, was the progenitor of the Asad clan of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. Her father, Khuwaylid ibn Asad, was a merchant. According to some traditions, he died c. 585 in the Sacrilegious War, but according to others, he was still alive when Khadija married Muhammad in 595. His sister, Umm Habib bint Asad, was the matrilineal great-grandmother of Muhammad. Khadija’s mother, Fatima bint Za’idah, who died around 575, was a member of the Amir ibn Luayy clan of the Quraysh and a third cousin of Muhammad’s mother.
2. Sawda bint Zamʿa, jewess by father. Her father, Zam’a ibn Qays, was from the Amir ibn Luayy clan of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. Her mother, Al-Shamus bint Qays, was from the Najjar clan of the Khazraj tribe in Madina.
3. Aisha bint Abu Bakr, full blooded jewess and Muhammad’s relative.
a. Her mother, Umm Ruman, was the daughter of Amir ibn Umaymir, a member of the Duhman clan of the Al-Harith tribe of the Banu Kinanah (also Bani Kinanah). Kinanah was the largest Mudhari Adnanite tribe of western Saudi Arabia in Hejaz and Tihama. They are descended from Kinanah, who was a grandson of Ilyas jewish prophet. Kinanah (or Kinana) the jew was an ancestor of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
b. Her father, Abu Bakr was born in a rich family in the Banu Taym clan of the Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew. And he was very close relative of Muhammad. The lineage of Abu Bakr joined that of Muhammad in the eighth degree in their common ancestor Murrah ibn Ka’b.
4. Hafsa bint Umar, full blooded jewess. Her mother, Zaynab bint Madhun, was the daughter of Madhun ibn Habib of the Jumah clan of the Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew. Her father, Umar, full blooded jew, was born in Mecca to the Banu Adi clan of the Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew. His father was Khattab ibn Nufayl and his mother was Hantama bint Hisham, from the tribe of Banu Makhzum, one of the wealthy clans of Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew.
5. Zaynab bint Khuzayma, likely jewess. About her background it is only known that she belonged to Banu ‘Amir ibn Sa’sa’ah tribe, which was believed to be descendant of Adnan. the According to islamic tradition, Adnan is the father of a group of the Ishmaelites who inhabited West and Northern Arabia; he is a descendant of Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew. Adnan is believed to be the father of many Ishmaelite tribes along the Western coast of Arabia, Northern Arabia and Iraq.
6. Umm Salama, full blooded jewess, relative of Muhammad. Her father was an elite member of his Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew. Her mother was of the Firas ibn Ghanam branch of the Kinana, founded by Kinanah, who was a grandson of Ilyas jewish prophet. Kinanah (or Kinana) the jew was an ancestor of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
7. Rayhana bint Zayd. Israelite jewess from the Banu Nadir jewish tribe. Muhammad acknowledged her high blood status very well. Not only Muhammad offered her marriage but he also set her free and let her adhere to her Judaic faith. Israelite jews were extremely revered by their islamic brethren.
8. Zaynab bint Jahsh, full blooded jewess and close relative of Muhammad. She was Muhammad’s cousin, being the daughter of one of his father’s sisters. Very notable, she disapproved marrying Muhamad’s adopted son Zayd ibn Harithah who according quran was Gentile Arab, as she herself explained, because of her “high status”. In jewish society it’s a clear sign of being jewish not wanting to marry a goy. Zaynab married Muhammad because, unlike his adopted son, Muhammad was full blooded jew.
9. Juwayriyya bint al-Harith, likely jewess. She was a daughter of the leader of Banu Khuza’a tribe. The opinions of genealogists vary concerning the ancestry and origins of the Banu Khuza’ah; some say they are from Adnan, descendant of Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew; others say that they were descended from Qahtan. Early Islamic historians identified Qahtan with the Yoqtan (Joktan) son of Eber of the Hebrew Bible (Gen. 10:25-29) although he may also be another descendant of Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew.
10. Safiyya bint Huyeiy Ibn Akhtab, full blooded jewess. Her father was Huyayy ibn Akhtab, the chief of the jewish tribe Banu Nadir. Her mother, Barra bint Samawal, belonged to the jewish tribe Banu Qurayza.
11. Ramla bint Abi Sufyan, full blooded jewess. Her father Sakhr ibn Harb was the leader of the Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew. Her mother Safiyyah bint Abi al-‘As was the daughter of Abu al-‘As ibn Umayyah, the son of Umayya ibn Abd Shams, the son of Abd Shams ibn Abd Manaf, a prominent member of the Quraish tribe founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew.
12. Maria al-Qibtiyya, Egyptian Coptic slave, granted to Muhammad as a gift together with cattle.
13. Maymunah bint al-Harith, likely jewess. Her mother, Hind bint Awf (extremely revered in islam), descended from the tribe of Himyar, which was NOT originally jewish but great Pagan empire infiltrated and corrupted by jews in 4-1 centuries B.C. The first mentions of jews go back to 5 century B.C. and this region is known to be one of the first corrupted from inside by jewish migrants. Its also notable that those daughters of this woman, Hind bint Awf, whose fate is mentioned in quran, were all married either to Muhammad or to his closest associates – all jewish and most of them – his close relatives.
Now, here are several friends [“Sahabah”] of Muhammad whose lineages are mentioned in quran and islamic texts. Are not only all jewish from jewish tribe of Quraysh, but most of them are close relatives to Muhammad himself. Which again is nothing but subliminal message of jewish supremacy over Gentiles and nothing more, providing no one of them existed.
1. Abu Bakr, full blooded jew. His father was from the Banu Taym clan of the Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew. And he was very close relative of Muhammad. The lineage of Abu Bakr joined that of Muhammad in the eighth degree in their common ancestor Murrah ibn Ka’b. his mother was from the Taym clan of the Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew.
2. Umar ibn Al-Khattab, full blooded jew, was born in Mecca to the Banu Adi clan of the Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew. His father was Khattab ibn Nufayl and his mother was Hantama bint Hisham, from the tribe of Banu Makhzum, one of the wealthy clans of Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew.
3. Ali ibn Abi Talib, full blooded jew. His father was the leader of the Banu Hashim, a clan of the Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew. His mother was the daughter of Asad ibn Hashim and Fatimah bint Qays, hence a member of the Hashim clan of the Quraysh founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew.
4. Khalid ibn al-Walid, jew by father. His father was from the Meccan tribe of Quraysh founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew.
5. Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib, full blooded jew and paternal uncle Muhammad. His father was from the Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew. His mother was from the Zuhra clan of the Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew.
6. Abdul-Rahman ibn Abi Bakr, full blooded jew, full brother of Aisha and relative of Muhammad
7. Abd Allah ibn Abbas, jew by father and relative of Muhammad. He was a son of uncle of Muhammad.
8. ‘Abd Allah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘As, jew by father, who belonged to the Banu Sahm clan of the Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael, son of Abraham the jew.
9. ‘Amr ibn al-‘As, the jewish father of the above.
10. `Abd Allah al-Zubayr, full blooded jew, relative of Muhammad. His grandfather was Al-Awam ibn Khuwaylid of the Asad clan of the Quraysh tribe, making Al-Zubayr, the father of Abd Allah, a nephew of Khadijah. His mother was a daughter of the first Caliph Abu Bakr. Thus Abd Allah was a nephew of Aisha.
11. Abd-Allah ibn Jahsh, jew by mother. His mother was a member of the Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael son of Abraham the jew.
12. Abdullah ibn Masud, jew by mother. His mother was from the Zuhra clan of the Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael son of Abraham the jew.
13. Abdullah ibn Suhayl, jew by father. He is a son of the famous Qurayshite statesmen, Suhayl ibn Amr.
14. Abdullah ibn Salam, jewish rabbi.
15. Abdullah ibn Umar, full blooded jew. Both parents from Quraysh tribe founded by Ishmael son of Abraham the jew.
16. Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, jew and relative of Muhammad. From the jewish tribe of Banu Najjar, the maternal tribe of the Prophet’s grandfather Abdul-Muttalib.
17. Al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib, full blooded jew and relative of Muhammad. His maternal grandfather father, Janab, was the son of Kulayb ibn Malik ibn ‘Amr ibn Amir ibn Zaydmanat ibn Amir (al-Dahyan) ibn Saad ibn al-Khazraj ibn Taymallat ibn An-Namir ibn Qasit ibn Hinb ibn Afsa ibn Dumi ibn Jadila ibn Asad the son of Rabi‘ah ibn Nizar ibn Ma‘ad ibn ‘Adnan. Adnan was Ishmaelite according quran. And Ishmael was son of Abraham the jew. His father was the grandfather of Islamic prophet Muḥammad.
18. Abu Dhar al-Ghifari, jew. He was from Banu Kinanah tribe descended from Kinanah, who was a grandson of Ilyas, jewish prophet.
19. Abu Hudhayfa ibn ‘Utba, jew by father. His father was one of the prominent Leaders of Quraish tribe founded by Ishmael son of Abraham the jew.
20. Abu Jandal ibn Suhayl, jew by father. His father was one of the prominent Leaders of Quraish tribe founded by Ishmael son of Abraham the jew.
21. Abu Sufyan ibn al-Harith, jew by father and relative of muhammad. His father was one of the uncles of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
22. Sakhr ibn Harb, jew. Leader of Quraish tribe founded by Ishmael son of Abraham the jew.
23. Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah, Qurayshite jew.
24. Ahnaf ibn Qais, jew. He belonged to the jewish tribe of Banu Tamim. Tamim, the ancestor of the tribe, is a direct descendant of Adnan and is thus considered an Ishmaelite tribe descending from Ishmael, the son of Abraham the jew.
25. Al-Qa’qa’ ibn ‘Amr al-Tamimi, jew. He belonged to the jewish tribe of Banu Tamim. Tamim, the ancestor of the tribe, is a direct descendant of Adnan and is thus considered an Ishmaelite tribe descending from Ishmael, the son of Abraham the jew.
…And so it goes.
The list is endless, you can check it yourself and providing you know the tribe Quraysh is jewish according quran, you will see the endless procession of Qurayshite jews as muhammad’s close associates, vast majority of those whose background is mentioned.
Now who wrote the quran? According quran itself it was written by 3 fictitious jews together: Muhammad, racial full blooded jew; the g-d of Moses and Abraham the jewish patriarchs, and its angel Jibrill – both belonging to jewish mythology. So logically to assume that if the book was written by someone invented by the jewish mind, then probably the book itself was invented by the same jewish mind?
So what we see from the above is quran and all islamic religious texts being written BY jews, FOR jews, and ABOUT jews. And to PRAISE jews. Absolutely all main personages and vast majority of personages at all in this literature are blooded jews, usually FULL blooded jews.
Now, OF COURSE the *REAL*, the historical the original Quraysh, the original Kinanah or whatever terms they called these original Arab tribes in the wikipedian texts above WERE GENTILE, they WERE PAGAN and existed long before the jewish race were even dreamed of by reptilians.
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Please pay attention to their Nordic facial features. Also note how all eyeballs were taken out of the eye orbits. Now let us check what color could these people’s eyes be based on the non-corrupted example below:

These are the *ORIGINAL* “Quraysh”, “Tamim” and “Kinanah”.
The original Mecca (Quraysh) was Pagan Gentile City and worshipped White Aryan Gods and depicting White Aryan people.

These are three daughters of the Lunar God, Hubal: Allat, Manat/Manawat and al-ʿUzza.
All Ancient Pagan Arab Goddesses.
All Nordic White.
And here is the exposure of the jewish legend of “Adnan Ishmaelite” dwelling to the North from Arabian Penisula, the mythical jewish abcestor of the “Adnanite” tribe of “Arabized Arabs”:

Three Syrian Gods of Palmyra: Moon God Ablibol, Baal-Shamin and Sun God Malakbel.
All Nordic White.
Same for Himyarite Kingdom, which was the great Ancient Pagan Gentile Civilization and Empire ruled by the White Race of Satan. And it is proved by their legacy and the images of their leaders:

Wikipedian jews stole this claiming that the king looked White probably because he was a “descendant of Ishmael” aka “Arabized Arab”.
“Ishmael” did not exist. Arabian king looked White because only Whites could have built high civilization organized into a kingdom like the Himyar. Blacks are known to not have even invented a wheel.
More White Arabs:
![]() Calcite Funerary Stela 1st Century BC Found Timna, Yemen. Nordic White ![]() Woman’s head from Mahran Bilkis. Nordic White |
And the fact that quran was all ripped off of older things serves nothing but to create the illusion of jewish supremacy. Just steal the history that you have not and you will look great.
Same for “Moses and Egypt” jewish myth: Ancient Egypt existed, but Moses did not. Same for “jewsus vs Rome” jewish myth: Rome existed, Cesar existed and jewsus did not. It is a half-reality, a surreality created by jewish mind to create the delusion of their grandeur and insert it to the minds of Gentiles.
The Commentary of R. Hoter: Shelomo to the Thirteen Principles of Maimonides