All terrorism is Jewish:
Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, Osama Bin Laden and the ilk are all jew-owned, jew-run, jew-paid, and jew-packed on the top levels – full proof.

AL-QAEDA: Created by the Jewish Agency under Israeli Mossad.
Adam Gadahn is a Jew by blood

Hassan al-Banna is a jew and Muslim Brotherhood is jewish front to undermine Libya, Egypt and other Gentile Nations of the East

Jewish terrorism in Chechnya: all Wahhabis and FSB agents. Terrorist Shamil Basayev is a Jew

Islamic State Jewish Hoax

Islamic State was Created By Israel to Fight the White Race

Islamic State is needed to destroy Aryan bloodlines

ISIS enters the West:
Full proof that “refugee flood” is a military invasion

Osama is Jewish and Al-Qaeda is a Jewish front

Jews admit: Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda and all terrorism is jewish and created by Israel according the Protocols of Zion to fight Gentile nations

Top 10 Indications that ISIS is Jeiwsh

Islam is a new cover for Mossad part 1: Mossad conducting muslim terrorism in Munich and Nice

Islam is a new cover for Mossad part 2: Mossad agents preaching islam

Jew says ISIS is needed to fight Goyim thus should not be destroyed.

Long before the creation of ISIS in 2006, this C-Span TV interview from 1990 shows that the terrorist organization was actually created by Israel.

Here’s a C-Span TV interview video from August 5, 1990 admitting that Israel (Mossad) is “ISIS”.

Dan Raviv explains that when the jews of Mossad were to decide how they will call themselves when communicate with their jewish brethren from CIA, they asked Prime Minister of Israel, because he is a head of Mossad. And he proposed to call it “Israeli Secret Intelligence Service” aka “ISIS”.

This is how Islamic State of Iraq and Syria came to existence. No wonder it was always ruled strictly by Mossad agents.
“ISIS” and related terroroist groups created and run by jews!